Eucerin DermatoCLEAN gel za umivanje i čišćenje lica | Recenzija

август 18, 2015 1 Comments

Kako još uvek nisam otkrila HG proizvod za čišćenje lica, manje više sam posle svake potrošene tube isprobavala nove gelove i pene. Sa agresivnijih za masnu i problematičnu kožu sam polako prelazila na blaže i pogodnije za osetljivu kožu jer mi se koža počela sušiti, zatezati i crveniti. Pošto ne koristim maramice za skidanje šminke (puni su alkohola i veliki su no-no), potrebno mi je sredstvo koje može temeljno da skine šminku i prljavštinu s lica a opet da je dovoljno blago, da ne isušuje i da ne izaziva iritacije.

Since I'm yet to discover my HG face cleanser, I've always been buying new kinds. From the more aggressive for oily skin and acne prone, it slowly changed to the one's more suited for sensitive skin because mine became dry, tight and irritated. Because I don't use cleansing wipes (they're full of alcohol and a big no-no), I needed a cleanser that can thoroughly clean my face from makeup and dirt but still be gentle, that it doesn't dry my skin and it doesn't cause irritations.

Eucerin Dermatoclean cleansing gel, gel za umivanje, review recenzija

Ovo je moj prvi susret sa Eucerinom. Nikada do sada nisam previše pažnje posvećivala apotekarskoj kozmetici jer sam smatrala da je previše skupa, ali kako me zainteresovala njihova linija DermoPurifyer za problematičnu kožu (uskoro recenzija), odlučila sam da iskoristim super promociju na i tako dobila ovaj gel na poklon.

This is my first encounter with Eucerin. I've never before given much notice to pharmacy brands because I considered them expensive, but I got interested in their DermoPurifyer line for problematic skin (review coming soon) and I decided to take advantage of a Eucerin promotion and got this gel as a gift.

Eucerin Dermatoclean cleansing gel, gel za umivanje, review recenzija

Gel dolazi u mekoj plastičnoj tubi od 200 ml i rok trajanja mu je 12 meseci od otvaranja. Gornji deo tube služi za doziranje i napravljen je od tvrde plastike.

Šta proizvođač kaže:

Za normalnu i kombinovanu kožu. Temeljno čisti i efikasno otklanja šminku. Omogućava da koža bolje diše. Bez parabena, alkohola, boja i parfema. Testirano na osetljivoj koži. Sadrži veoma efikasan ali blag kompleks supstanci koje omogućavaju temeljno čišćenje kože i efikasno skidanje šminke.
Upravo što mi treba! :)

A sastojci su takođe veoma impresivni - klik klik. Sve zeleno do zelenog! :)
Aktivni sastojci: APG kompleks, Gliko-glicerol i Hijaluronska kiselina.

APG kompleks (Acrylates/C10-30 alkyl acrylate crosspolymer) - efikasan i veoma blag kompleks za čišćenje. `G` je skraćeno za glukozid, koji je prirodno dobijen surfaktant. Surfaktanti su aktivni sastojci u sredstvima za čišćenje koji im omogućuju da se koža čisti rastvaranjem i uklanjanjem nečistoća.
Gliko-glicerol (Glyceryl Glucoside) - identična kombinacija glicerola i glukoze kao u prirodi. Gliko-glicerol, koga plavo-zelene alge koriste već 3,5 mlijardi godina za preživljavanje, dokazano stimuliše stvaranje akvaporina 3 (AQP3) u ćelijama humane kože, te tako povećava broj akvaporina. Akvaporini kontrolišu prenos vode u i iz ćelija. Što je više AQP3, bolje je distribucija vode unutar dubljih slojeva kože.  Stimulišući distribuciju vode u samoj koži, gliko-glicerol pomaže hidrataciju koži kao i jačanje njene barijerne funkcije.
Hijaluronska kiselina (Sodium Hyaluronate) - upstanca koja se stvara unutar organizma i čini deo vezivnog tkiva kože. Jedna od njenih osnovnih funkcija je da održava vlažnost u koži vezujući vodu za sebe. Ima sposobnost da 30 puta poveća svoju molekulsku masu u vodi. Kako starimo, prirodna sposobnost kože da proizvodi hijaluronsku kiselinu opada i bore počinju da se formiraju i produbljuju.

The gel comes in a soft plastic tube of 200 ml and it's good for 12 months after opening. The top part is for dosage and it's made from hard plastic.

What the manufacturer says:

For normal and combination skin. Cleanses thoroughly and efficiently removes makeup. It enables the skin to breathe better. Without parabens, alcohol, color and perfume. Tested on sensitive skin. Contains a very efficient but gentle complex of substances which enable deep cleansing of the skin and removing makeup.
Just what I need! :)

The ingredients are also very impressing - click here. It's all green! :)
Active ingredients: APG Complex, Gluco-glycerol, and Hyaluronic acid.

APG Complex (Acrylates/C10-30 alkyl acrylate crosspolymer) - an effective yet extra mild cleansing complex. The `G` stands for Glucoside, which is a nature-derived surfactant. Surfactants are the active ingredients in cleansers that enable them to clean the skin by dissolving and removing impurities.
Gluco-glycerol (Glyceryl Glucoside) - a nature-identical combination of glycerol and glucose. Used by blue-green algae to ensure their survival for 3.5 billion years, Gluco-glycerol has been proven to stimulate the creation of Aquaporin 3 (AQP3) in human skin cells, thus increasing the number of aquaporins. Aquaporins control water transfer into and out of the cells. The more AQP3’s there are, the better the distribution of moisture within the deeper layers of skin. By supporting skin’s own water system, Gluco-glycerol helps to moisture skin and improve its barrier function.
Hyaluronic acid (Sodium Hyaluronate)  - a substance created within the body that forms part of the connective tissue of the skin. One of its key functions is to retain moisture and it has the ability to bind up to 30 times its own molecular weight in water. As we age, the skin's natural ability to produce Hyaluronic Acid depletes and wrinkles start to form and deepen.

Eucerin Dermatoclean cleansing gel, gel za umivanje, review recenzija swatch

Gel je providne boje i blagog neutralnog mirisa. Peni se srednje jako, sasvim dovoljno. Najveće zadovoljstvo mi pruža kada penu malo duže masiram u lice pa postane fina kremasta, prava uživancija! Nikad dosta :)

Da li skida šminku? Skida, ali za jaču šminku bih koristila neko sredstvo za skidanje šminke, npr za maskaru. Opet, zavisi kakva je - neke se lakše skidaju, neke teže... Iskreno, to mi je najmanji problem :) Sve ostalo ukloni bez muke.
Da li isušuje? Ne :) Ovo mi se najviše sviđa kod ovog gela. Nemam potrebu ni tonik da nanesem. Nema zatezanja i grube kože.
I šta još? Ne samo što temeljno čisti i hidrira, nekako i kožu omekša, zagladi je... kao posle pilinga recimo. Uživam svaki put kada ga koristim. Za sada je to samo ujutru dok ne potrošim Baleinu penu za osetljivu kožu (koja me prvi put nije zatezala a sada da) a nakon toga ću ga svrstati u celodnevnu negu.

The gel is transparent and has a mild neutral scent. It gives a medium foam which is quite enough. It gives me the biggest pleasure when I massage the foam a little longer and becomes nice and creamy, a real pleasure! I can't get enough :)

Does it remove makeup? Yes, but for stronger makeup I would use a makeup remover (mascara for example). Again, it depends on the mascara itself - some come off easy, some don't... Honestly, that's the least of my problems :) It removes everything else without problem.
Does it dry out the skin? No :) This is what I like the most about this cleanser. I even don't need to use a toner afterwards. No tight feeling or rough skin.
What else? Not only does it clean thoroughly and hydrates, it softens the skin somehow, makes it smooth... like after a face scrub. I enjoy it everytime. For now it is only in the morning until I use up Balea sensitive wash foam (which didn't tighten my skin the first time, but now it does) and after that I'll include this gel in my wholeday routine.

Dobro / GoodLoše / Bad
Sastav / IngredientsCena (zavisi od apoteke) / Price (depends on the pharmacy)
Blag a efikasan / Gentle but efficient
Ne isušuje / Doesn't cause dryness
Ne izaziva iritacije / Doesn't iritate
Prijatan osećaj tokom upotrebe / Pleasant to use
Omekšava kožu / Softens the skin

Može se nabaviti u svim bolje snabdevenim apotekama, a cena mu je tu oko 650 din ( pa do 800 din (Goodwill apoteka recimo). Eucerin često pravi promocije svojih proizvoda pa je to najbolje prilika za kupovinu. Definitivno ćemo se Eucerin i ja češće družiti :)

It can be purchased in every better supplied pharmacy, and the price ranges from 5.5 euros up to 6.7 euros. Eucerin has promotions very often (at least in Serbia) and it's the best time to shop. Eucerin and I will definitely be friends :)

Kakva iskustva imate sa Eucerinom? Koje njihove proizvode preporučujete? / What experiences to you have with Eucerin? Which of their products do you recommend?

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