Eucerin DermatoCLEAN tonik | Recenzija

фебруар 01, 2016 0 Comments

Eucerin DermatoCLEAN clarifying toner, tonik review recenzija

Da li vam se nekada desilo da nešto greškom naručite? Meni se upravo desilo. Zilion tabova otvoreno, proizvodi liče jedno na drugo i eto ga savršenog recepta da se nešto loše desi. Zanimljivo je da sam skontala tek kada mi stigao paket - umesto DermatoCLEAN gela za umivanje, stigao mi je tonik :O Pogledam ponovo u svom nalogu narudžbu i zaista, naručila sam tonik ... Ali ne žalim :)

Pre nego što pređem na samu recenziju, evo par informacija o samoj liniji (preuzeto sa zvaničnog sajta):

Eucerin DermatoCLEAN linija preparata za čišćenje pruža kompletno rešenje za sve tipove kože i potrebe za čišćenjem. Inovativna mešavina prirodno dobijenih aktivnih sastojaka radi na efikasnom uklanjaju šminke sa kože i uporedo joj pomaže da održi svoju prirodnu ravnotežu hidratacije.
Koža očišćena preparatom iz Eucerin DermatoCLEAN linije je čista, meka, umirena, osvežena i spremna za obnavljanje.
Ključni sastojci:
  • APG - APG kompleks je izuzetno blago sredsvo za čišćenje. `G` je skraćeno za glukozid, koji je prirodno dobijen surfaktant. Surfaktanti su aktivni sastojci u sredstvima za čišćenje koji im omogućuju da se koža čisti rastvaranjem i uklanjanjem nečistoća.
  • Gliko-Glicerol - Gliko-glicerol je identična kombinacija glicerola i glukoze kao u prirodi. Gliko-glicerol dokazano stimuliše stvaranje akvaporina 3 (AQP3) u ćelijama humane kože, te tako povećava broj akvaporina. Akvaporini kontrolišu prenos vode u i iz ćelija. Što je više AQP3, bolje je distribucija vode unutar dubljih slojeva kože. Stimulišući distribuciju vode u samoj koži, gliko-glicerol pomaže hidrataciju koži kao i jačanje njene barijerne funkcije.
  • Hijaluronska kiselina - Hijaluronska kiselina je supstanca koja se stvara unutar organizma i čini deo vezivnog tkiva kože. Jedna od njenih osnovnih funkcija je da održava vlažnost u koži vezujući vodu za sebe. Ima sposobnost da 30 puta poveća svoju molekulsku masu u vodi. Kako starimo, prirodna sposobnost kože da proizvodi hijaluronsku kiselinu opada i bore počinju da se formiraju i produbljuju.
U ovoj liniji, osim tonika, možete naći već spomenuti gel za umivanje, 3 u 1 miceralni fluid, blago mleko za čišćenje lica i sredstvo za skidanje vodootporne maskare i šminke.

Have you ever ordered something by mistake? I just did. A million tabs open, products that look the same and there you have a perfect recipe for disaster. The strangest part is that I only noticed when the package arrived - instead of Eucerin DermatoCLEAN cleansing gel, I got the toner :O I checked my order and really, I DID order the toner... But I don't mind :)

Before I continue with the review, here is some information about the line (taken from the official site):

The Eucerin DermatoCLEAN range of cleansing products offers a complete solution for all skin types and cleansing needs. An innovative combination of nature-derived active ingredients works to remove make-up effectively from the skin while helping to maintain its natural moisture balance.

Skin cleansed with Eucerin DermatoCLEAN is clean, soft, soothed, refreshed and prepared for regeneration.
Key ingredients:
  • APG Complex - APG Complex is an extra mild cleanser. The `G` stands for Glucoside, which is a nature-derived surfactant. Surfactants are the active ingredients in cleansers that enable them to clean the skin by solving and removing impurities.
  • Gluco-Glycerol - Gluco-glycerol is a nature-identical combination of glycerol and glucose. Gluco-glycerol has been proven to stimulate the creation of Aquaporin 3 (AQP3) in human skin cells, thus increasing the number of aquaporins. Aquaporins control water transfer into and out of the cells. The more AQP3’s there are, the better the distribution of moisture within the deeper layers of skin. By stimulating skin’s own water system, Gluco-glycerol helps to moisture skin and improve its barrier function.
  • Hyaluronic acid - Hyaluronic Acid is a substance created within the body that forms part of the connective tissue of the skin. One of its key functions is to retain moisture and it has the ability to bind up to 30 times its own molecular weight in water. As we age, the skin's natural ability to produce Hyaluronic Acid depletes and wrinkles start to form and deepen.
This line contains the toner, the above mentioned cleansing gel, a mild cleansing milk, 3 in 1 micellar cleansing fluid and a waterproof eye makeup remover.

Moji utisci

Tonik dolazi u mekoj providnoj plastici od 200 ml sa čepom na odvrtanje. Bezbojan je i ima veoma blag, jedva primetan miris. Veoma je prijatan na koži, baš je fino osvežava, i što je najbolje - ne ostavlja lepljiv trag na licu. Dobro se pokazao i u čišćenju - onih dana kada na lice stavim samo kremu, u toku dana kako ne bih kožu prekomerno prala, natopim tupfer ovim tonikom i pređem preko lica i lepo skine prljavštinu i prašinu. Naravno, podrazumeva se, ne bih ga koristila za skidanje šminke, ali nakon pranja lica nije loše preći tonikom kako bi skinuo bilo kakve ostatke. Jedina mana mu je što nema raspršivač ali bože moj :)

Osim veoma prijatnog osećaja na koži, najbitnija činjenica je da u svom sastavu ne sadrži parfeme, alkohol, anjonske surfaktante, boje i parabene što ga čini idealnim za bilo koji tip kože. Punu listu sastojaka možete pogledati ovde.

Ako tražite nežan i bezbedan tonik, ako vam je lice osetljivo i nadraženo, s ovim tonikom sigurno nećete pogrešiti. Veoma je blag i sastojci su mu zaista dobri. Ja se definitivno ne kajem svojoj "grešci" :) Do sada najbolji tonik koji sam isprobala.

Cena mu je između 700 i 850 din (zavisno od apoteke) i nakon otvaranja se može koristiti do godinu dana. Ocena 5/5

My impressions

The toner comes in a soft plastic container of 200 ml with a screw cap. It's transparent and has a very subtle scent. It's very pleasant on the skin, it refreshes, and the best part is that it doesn't leave the skin sticky. It is a good cleanser as well - on the days when I only put moisturizer on my face, during the day I like to cleanse my skin with this toner so I don't overwash my skin with face wash. It removes dirt and dust very nicely. Of course, I wouldn't use it to remove makeup, but after washing my face, I like to use this toner to remove any leftovers. The only flaw is that it doesn't have a disperser but oh well :)

In addition to leaving the skin feeling pleasent, the most important fact is that it doesn't contain any perfume, alcohol, anionic surfactants, colourant and parabens so it's ideal for any skin type. The full ingredient list can be found here.

If you're looking for a gentle and safe toner, if your skin is sensitive and irritated, with this toner you surely won't make a mistake. It is very gentle and the ingredients are really good. I'm definitely not regretting this purchase :) This is the best toner I tried.

The price is around 5.6 and 6.9 euros (depending on the pharmacy). It's good 12 months after opening. Rating 5/5

Koji je vaš Holy Grail tonik? / What's your Holy Grail toner? :)

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