Alverde Puderrouge rumenilo | Recenzija

мај 30, 2016 1 Comments

Da li se slažete da rumenila nikad dosta? :) Pa evo da vas upoznam sa još jednim - Alverde Puderrouge rumenilo u nijansi 01 Apricot. Ne sadrži sintetičke konzervanse i parfeme pa je idealno za osobe sa osetljivom kožom poput moje. Zato sam ga i izabrala! :) A kako se pokazao pročitaćete u tekstu dole.

Do you agree that there is never enough of blushers? :) Let me introduce you to another one - Alverde Puderrouge blush in shade 01 Apricot. It doesn't contain synthetic preservatives and perfumes so it's ideal for those with sensitive skin like mine. That's why I've chosen it! :) Read on to find out more.
Alverde Puderrouge 01 apricot rumenilo review recenzija

Pakovanje / Packaging

Ovo rumenilo dolazi u plastičnoj ambalaži zelene boje koja je simbolična za Alverde. Čvrsto se zatvara pa ne treba brinuti da će se slučajno otvoriti. Gramaža nije navedena ali mi ne deluje malo. Na rumenilu su utisnuti listići koji su u potpunosti u skladu sa njihovim brendom (nažalost nisam bila u prilici da uslikam rumenilo pre nego što sam ga krenula trošiti). Dolazi u još dve nijanse, svetlo roze (02) i tamnije roze (07 Flamingo).

The blush comes in a green plastic package. It closes firmly so you don't have to worry if it will open on its own. The amount of the blush is not listed but it doesn't seem small. On the blush there are little leaves imprinted which is in accordance with their brand (unfortunately, I wasn't able to photograph the blush before I started using it). It comes in two more shades, a light pink (02) and a more intensive pink (07 Flamingo).
Alverde Puderrouge 01 apricot rumenilo review recenzija

Sastojci / Ingredients

Sastojci nisu izlistani na ambalaži, što je jako veliki minus, već je preko simbola (koji se jedva providi ispod nalepnice) naznačeno da se nalaze izloženi u radnji, što ni za jedan proizvod nisam videla... DM, vreme je da se uozbiljiš, mnogim ljudima su zaista bitni sastojci! Međutim, jedini sastojak koji se spominje u opisu je turmalin. Turmalin spada u poludrago kamenje koje se smatra da revitalizuje kožu čineći je mlađom i življom, ali ništa od toga još nije naučno potvrđeno.

Lista sastojaka se može naći na CosDNA ali je unos iz 2010 i pitanje je da li su od tada menjali formulaciju.

The ingredients aren't listed on the package which is a very big minus, but it's noted with a symbol (that is barely visible beneath the sticker) that the ingredients can be found in the store, but I never noticed that with any of the products... DM, get serious, it's important to many people! However, the only ingredient that is mentioned is Tourmaline. Tourmaline is a semiprecious stone that is believed to vitalize the skin, making it appear more radiant and youthful, but nothing is scientifically proven at this time.

The ingredient list can be found on CosDNA but it's from 2010 and who knows if the formula is still the same. 
Alverde Puderrouge 01 apricot rumenilo review recenzija

Performanse / Performance

Rumenilo jeste malo na svetlijoj strani i bojala sam se da će biti slabo pigmentovano ali nije. Srednje je pigmentacije i vrlo se lako blenda. Iskreno, ne volim jako pigmentovana rumenila jer ih nikad ne potrošim, pa ih na kraju bacim. Ima vrlo slab, puderast miris. Trajnost mu je takođe srednje-slaba. Do kraja radnog vremena skoro u potpunosti nestane, i tu mu zameram. Boja je zaista predivna, onako rozikasto-breskvasta i mislim da će svakoj curi super izgledati. U kombinaciji sa bronzerom je božanstven! Jako lepo oživi lice.

Ispod možete videti slike kako izgleda na licu :)

Because the blush is on the lighter side, I was afraid it won't be pigmented very well, but it is. The pigmentation is medium, and it blends very well. Honestly, I don't like very pigmented blushers because I never seem to "hit the pan" and in the end it finishes in the garbage. It has a very light, powdery smell. The lasting power is very bad, I would say medium to weak. By the end of 8 hours it disappears almost completely and this is a big setback. The color is very lovely, pinkish-peach and it will suit any girl. It is especially lovely combined with bronzer. It really gives life to the face.

Bellow you can see how it looks on my face :) 
Alverde Puderrouge 01 apricot rumenilo review recenzijaAlverde Puderrouge 01 apricot rumenilo review recenzija swatch

Može se nabaviti samo u DM prodavnicima po ceni od 440 RSD.
Ocena 4/5.

It can be found only in DM with a price of  about 3.5 euros.
Rating 4/5.

Rezime / Summary

Dobro / GoodLoše / Bad
Boja / ColorTrajnost / Lasting power
Pigmentacija / Pigmentation
Zasnovan na prirodnim sastojcima / Based on natural ingredients
Ne izaziva iritacije / Doesn't irritate
Cena / Price

Neka preporuka za rumenilo? :)
Maybe a recommendation for other blushers? :)

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Macadamia No Tangle četka za rasčešljavanje kose | Recenzija

мај 12, 2016 3 Comments

Moja kosa je gusta, krajevi su tretirani (blanširani a la ombre) i zbog toga konstantno pucaju i cvetaju. Muku mučim s njom već oko godinu dana i ništa ne pomaže, samo makaze. Rasčešljavanje kose je noćna mora, pogotovo dok je mokra, i tako je dodatno oštećujem. Balzami, šamponi, i ulja manje više samo prikriju problem ili previše sporo deluju, i na njih ne mogu uticati, ali na fizičke faktore mogu. Tu dolazi ovaj divni zeleni No Tangle češljić od Macadamije.

My hair is thick, the ends are bleached (a la ombre) and because of that they constantly break and split. It is torturing me now for about a year and nothing helps, except scissors. Combing is a nightmare, especially when it's wet, and that way I'm damaging it even more. Lotions, shampoo and oils just mask the problem or the results are not visible as fast as I would like, I can't have an affect on them, but I can on physical factors. Here comes this lovely green No Tangle brush from Macadamia.
Macademia No Tangle brush četka review recenzija

Proizvođač tvrdi da četka pruža lako rasčešljavanje kose, bez njenog lomljenja i pucanja. Namenjena je za sve tipove kose, štiti je i pruža živost, sjaj i dugovečnost, a posebno je korisna za tretiranu i farbanu kosu.
  • Zaglađuje kutikulu kose
  • Smanjuje lomljenje, cvetanje i oštećenja
  • Bezbolno i lako rasčešljavanje
  • Preporučuje se za slabu i hemijski tretiranu kosu
  • Odlično masira teme i poboljšava cirkulaciju
  • Bezbedno i za kosu sa nadogradnjom

The manufacturer says that the brush provides easy combing of the hair, without breaking it. Any hair type can use it, it protects it and gives it life, shine and longevity, especially useful for treated and colored hair.
  • Smooths the cuticle layer
  • Minimizes breakage, splitting and damage
  • Painless and stress-free detangler
  • Recommended for fragile or chemically treated hair
  • Excellent for scalp massage and improved circulation
  • Safe for use with hair extensions 
Macademia No Tangle brush četka review recenzija
Macademia No Tangle brush četka review recenzija

Češalj je plastičan, lepe svetlo-zelene boje. Brzo sam shvatila kako je ova boja idealna, jer se kosa (tamnija doduše) jako lako uoči i time olakšava čišćenje.

Oblik mi je na početku bio neobičan ali je zapravo jako ergonomičan i odlično leži u ruci!

Češljići (ili iglice) su napravljene od elastične plastike i uopšte ne grebu kožu glave. Dolaze u dve veličine, jedan red je duži, a drugi kraći i nisu previše gusto zbijene.

The comb is made of plastic, and has a nice light green color. I quickly realized how much easier is to clean it, because all the (dark) hair is easily visible.

I found the shape of the brush a little bit odd at the beginning, but it's actually really ergonomic and perfectly fits in the hand!

The bristles are made from elastic plastic. They are not hard on the skin. They come in two sizes - one row is longer, and the second one is shorter, and they are not so tightly spaced.
Macademia No Tangle brush četka review recenzija
Macademia No Tangle brush četka review recenzija

Kroz kosu jako lako prolazi. Nisam očekivala toliko malo otpora s obzirom da sam sa regularnom četkom u nekim momentima znala da čupam kosu koliko se nije htela razmrsiti! Zbog većeg prostora između iglica i njihove različite dužine, češalj prolazi kroz tanji sloj kose i tako olakšava njeno rasčešljavanje. Iglice jesu od plastike, ali ne izazivaju naelektrisanje. Čak i kroz mokru kosu jako lako prolazi. Dovoljno je samo dva-tri puta da pređem s njom i gotovo, nema čupanja, nema nerviranja i suza! :)

Ja sam oduševljena ovom četkom i preporučila bih je svakome ko se muči sa rasčešljavanjem ili ne želi dodatno da oštećuje kosu. Lagana je, ergonomična i radi posao.

Cena joj je 875 RSD, i kupila sam je na sajtu Alexandar Cosmetics.
Ocena 5/5!

It moves through the hair very easily. I didn't expect that at all because I really pull on my hair with my regular brush. Because of the wider space between the bristles and their different size, the brush moves through a thinner layer of hair and that's how it combs it without effort, there's not that much hair to pull at once! The bristles are made from plastic, but they don't cause any frizz. Even wet hair doesn't cause a problem, it moves through it effortlessly. I only need to comb it two-three times and it's over, no pulling, no fuss or tears! :)

I'm blown away by this brush and I would recommend it to anyone who suffers with combing or doesn't want to further damage their hair. It's light, ergonomic and does its job.

Price is around 7.2 euros. Rating 5/5!

Jeste li je probali? Ili preporučujete neku drugu? :)
Have you tried it? Or do you recommend another one? :)

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