Kanta #3 - Alverde, Balea, Eucerin, Esi, L'oreal, Nikel, Sebamed

март 21, 2016 1 Comments

Prilično sam se (pozitivno) iznenadila koliko sam malo proizvoda potrošila u proteklih par meseci. U ovoj kanti su se našla 8 proizvoda i sa svakim sam zadovoljna! Čitajte dalje za detalje :)

I was pretty surprised how many (little) products I used up in the past couple of months. I emptied 8 products and I'm very pleased with them all! Read on for more details :)

1. Alverde Pflegedusche Minze Bergamotte - gel za tuširanje nana i bergamont 250 ml

Obožavam Alverde gelove za tuširanje. Neodoljivog su mirisa i jako fini na koži. Iako se u nazivu spominje nana i bergamot, miriše osvežavajuće na limunadu :) Ne hidrira kožu ali je i ne isušuje. Prešla sam na Alverde jer imam jako bubuljičava leđa i treba mi nešto što apsolutno nije komedogeno, a ovaj gel to nije. Sastojke možete pogledati ovde. Sam gel naravno neće rešiti problem ali mu neće ni doprineti i zbog toga ga volim.
Cena oko 200 RSD. Ocena 5/5

I adore Alverde's shower gels. They smell irresistibly and feel very good. Even though it says mint and bergamot, it actually smells like lemon juice :) It doesn't hydrate the skin but it also doesn't dry it. I started using Alverde because I have a lot of pimples on my back and I need something that is not comedogenic at all, and this gel isn't. The full ingredient list can be found here. Of course, just the gel won't solve my problem but it also won't worsen it and that's why I love it.
Price below 2 euros. Rating 5/5

2. Balea MED Ultra Sensitive Washgel - gel za umivanje 150 ml

Uzela sam ovaj gel kao zamenu za Eucerin DermatoClean gel, pošto sam umesto njega greškom kupila tonik iz istoimene linije i nije mi se ponovo davalo 700 din. Gel je providan i lepo peni, skida šminku bez problema i skroz sam zadovoljna bila s njim. Malkice sam se osećala suvo nakon pranja, mada je to generalni utisak sa kojim me ostavljaju umivalice. Ne sadrži parfeme, boje i konzervanse, a puna lista sastojaka je ovde.
Cena 299 RSD. Ocena 4/5

I bought this face wash gel as a substitute for Eucerin DermatoClean gel, because I mistakenly bought the toner from the same line and I wasn't in the mood for paying another 5-6 euros. The gel is transparent and foams nicely, it removes makeup without a problem and I was very pleased with it. I felt a little bit dry after but most face washes leave me with that feeling. It doesn't contain parfume, colorants or preservatives, and the full ingredient list can be found here.
Price around 2.4 euros. Rating 4/5

3. ESI Aloe Fresh zubna pasta za izbeljivanje 100 ml

Najbolja pasta za zube koju sam ikada koristila. Prirodnog je porekla, ne sadrži fluor, veštačke boje, saharin, Sodium Laureth Sulfate i Sodium Lauryl Sulfate koji agresivno čiste i izbeljuju zube i tako oštećuju gleđ. Nakon pranja dovoljno je samo isprati usta vodom i nestaje svaki ukus ili osećaj paste u ustima što apsolutno nije slučaj sa klasičnim pastama za zube. Satima posle pranja sam osećala pastu u ustima, a sa ovom toga nema! Jedina mana joj je cena.
Cena oko 375 RSD  (ne sećam se da li sa popustom ili bez). Ocena 5/5

The best toothpaste I have ever used. It contains natural active ingredients, no fluorine, preservatives, artificial colourants, saccharin, Sodium Laureth Sulfate and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, particularly aggressive cleaning and whitening substances that damage enamel and gums. After rinsing, there is no leftover taste or toothpaste feeling which is not common with regular toothpastes. Hours after brushing I was left with a toothpaste taste in my mouth, but there is no such thing with this one! The only bad things about it is the price.
Price around  3.3 euros (not sure if it was on sale or not). Rating 5/5

4. Balea Urea Fusscreme - krema za stopala 100 ml

Koža na stopalima mi bude dosta suva i zadebljana ako ih redovno ne turpijam i pošto se ne setim uvek ili me jednostavno mrzi, namažem ih svake noći s ovom kremom i moje muke s njima više nisu toliko strašne. Koža se i dalje deblja ali nije više suva. Mogu sebi da oprostim duži period bez turpijanja (jej, živela lenjost). Sadrži 10% uree i pogodna je za dijabetičare. Takođe sadrži glicerin, vitamin B3 i mlečnu kiselinu. Sasvim fina kremica.
Cena oko 200 RSD. Ocena 4/5

I have very dry and thick skin on my heels if I don't take care of them, and because I don't remember to do it or I'm just lazy, I put on this cream every night and I don't have to think about them so often. The skin still gets thick but it's no longer dry. I can forgive myself if I don't file them for longer periods of time. It contains 10% urea and it's suited for diabetics. It also contains glycerin, vitamin B3 and lactic acid. It's a very good cream.
Price around  1.6 euros. Rating 4/5

5. Eucerin DermoPURIFYER aktivna noćna krema 50 ml

Ovu kremu sam koristila u kombinaciji sa Eucerin DermoPURIFYER aktivnim koncentratom kao noćnu negu. Vrlo je lagana, koža je brzo upije i ostavi je potpuno mat, bez lepljivog ili teškog osećaja. Dobro me služio sa koncentratom ali bih probala nešto novo. Stanje kože mi se vraća na staro i imam osećaj da mi je potrebno nešto jače. Detaljnije o ova dva proizvoda sam pisala ovde.
Cena oko 1400-1800 RSD. Ocena 4/5

I have used the DermoPURIFYER active night cream with the active concentrate as my night care. It is very light, absorbs quickly and leaves a completely matte finish, no sticky or heavy feeling. It was good combined with the concentrate but I would try something new. My skin is returning to the old state and I have a feeling that I need something stronger. More details of these two products you can read in one of my previous posts.
Price around 11.4-14.6 euros. Rating 4/5

6. Sebamed Clear Face gel za lice 50 ml

Iako sam na početku bila duboko razočarana jer nije ispunio obećanje za smanjenom pojavom bubuljica i sličnih problematičnosti, na kraju tube mi se ipak svideo. Stanje lica mi nije promenio ali mi je prijao koži. Vrlo je lagan i vodenast, koža ga brzo upije i ne oseća se na dodir. Osećala sam da mi koža diše! Nešto više sam pisala o njemu u ovom postu. Sve u svemu, vrlo solidan gel i vrlo moguće da ću ponoviti kupovinu, čim istestiram sve što mi je srce poželelo :)
Cena oko 850-1000 RSD. Ocena 4/5

Even if I was deeply disappointed it this face gel because it didn't fulfill its promise of clearer skin, in the end I came to like it. The state of my skin didn't change while using it, but my skin loved it. It is very light and watery, absorbs quickly and you can't feel it on the skin. I felt my skin breathing! I have written a full review here. All in all, it's a very solid face gel and I might possibly purchase it again, but after I test all the products my heart desires :)
Price around  7-8 euros. Rating 4/5

7. Nikel serum protiv proširenih pora 30 ml

Dobila sam ga u prošlogodišnjem julskom PurityBox-u i jedva sam čekala da ga isprobam pošto je prvenstveno namenjen mešovitoj i problematičnoj koži. Tokom korišćenja nisam primetila neki pomak s porama a i nije ništa specijalno radio, ponašao se kao običan tonik i tako sam ga i koristila, posle umivanja. Nije loš, ali s obzirom šta obećava i koliko košta... ne vredi.
Cena 2.570 RSD. Ocena 3/5

Nikel's serum for large pores came in last year's PurityBox and I couldn't wait to try it out especially because it's for combination and problematic skin. I haven't noticed any difference in my pores and it did nothing special, it was like an ordinary toner and I used it for those purposes, after washing my face. It's not bad, but considering what it promises and how much it costs... it's not worth it.
Price 20.9 euros. Rating 3/5

8. L'oreal False Lash Wings Intenza maskara

Moja prva L'oreal maskara zahvaljujući tetki. Super me služila, nije ni previše mokra ni suva, baš kako volim. Lepo razdvaja trepavice, ne lepi ih i drži oblik. Zaista jedna od najboljih maskara koju sam probala. Jeste prilično skupa pa ne verujem da ću je kupiti sem ako ne bude na nekom većem popustu, a četkicu ne planiram da bacim jer će odlično poslužiti za druge maskare :)
Cena oko 1800 RSD. Ocena 5/5

This is my first L'oreal mascara thanks to my aunt. I liked it very much, it's not too wet or dry, just the way I like it. It separates the lashes nicely, they don't stick to each other and they maintain their shape. It really is one of my all time favorite mascaras. It's on the expensive side so I don't think I'll repurchase, maybe if it goes on sale. I'll use the brush for other mascaras because it's superb :)
Price around 14.6 euros. Rating 5/5

Jeste li probali nešto od ovih proizvoda? Kakvog ste mišljenja o njima? Pišite :)
Did you try any of these products? What do you think of them? Write me :)

Do sledeće recenzije,


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23. март 2016. 14:29 delete

Nekako sam bojažljiva prema sapunima... Koristila sam za leđa Željković kozji sapun i nervirao me taj škriputav osećaj i što mi ruka nije lepo klizila po koži nego je zapinjala. Neke efekte nisam primetila. Baciću pogled na sapune što si navela. Jesu onako kremaste teksture ili oće koža i od njih da zapinje? Razmišljam da uzmem Sebamed Clear Face sapun, koji je zapravo sindet, pa možda pomogne. Samo ono, 406 din za sapun... :S
