[JOLSE] Keep in Touch White Blending Base Cushion | Review

август 31, 2017 2 Comments

Keep In Touch White Blending Base cushion review with swatches in shade 03 Natural Beige
Da li ste znali da su cushion puderi nastali pre skoro 10 godina u Koreji? :) Prvi takav puder je bio IOPE Air Cushion koji je bio prava inovacija u svetu kozmetike i danas skoro svaki veći brend ima svoju verziju. Zahvaljujući Jolse.com, dobila sam priliku da isprobam jedan takav puder od brenda Keep In Touch.

🌎 ENG: Did you know that cushion foundation originated from Korea almost 10 years ago? :) The first cushion foundation was IOPE Air Cushion that made a revolution in makeup and today almost every major brand has its own version. Thanks to Jolse.com I had the opportunity to try this kind of foundation from the brand Keep In Touch.

Ko je Keep In Touch? / Who is Keep In Touch?

Keep In Touch je korejski brend dekorativne kozmetike. Asortiman im je dosta mali, sastoji se samo od cushion pudera, BB krema, karmina, maskara i olovaka za obrve. Nažalost, nisam mogla da nađem puno informacija o ovom brendu, ali sudeći po njihovom Instagramu, relativno su novi, oko 2 godine.

🌎 ENG: Keep In Touch is a Korean makeup brand. Their range is pretty small and consists of only a cushion foundation, BB cream, lipsticks, brow gels and pencils. Unfortunately, I couldn't find more info about them, but looking at their Instagram, they're relatively new - about 2 years.

Facebook: facebook.com/keepintouch.makeup
Instagram: instagram.com/keepintouch_makeup
Web: en.k2pintouch.com

O White Blending Base puderu / About White Blending Base cushion

Keep In Touch White Blending Base cushion review with swatches in shade 03 Natural Beige
Keep In Touch White Blending Base cushion je kombinacija bele hidrirajuće baze koja posvetljuje ten i obojene pokrivajuće baze koja sakriva nepravilnosti. Kombinujući ove dve baze, stvara se puder koji pruža ultimativnu hidrataciju i pokrivnu moć za izjednačeniji, lepši ten.

Bela baza je obogaćena White5-Vitamin kompleksom i uljem semena Japanske kamelije (Camellia Japonica). Posvetljuje kožu, pruža nežan sjaj, hidrira, i održava elastičnost kože.
Obojena baza prikriva nepravilnosti, proširene pore, podočnjake, korektuje ten i teksturu, i sadrži SPF50.

Glavke karakteristike:
  • Posvetlujući efekat sa kompleksom od 5 belih cvetova
  • Sakriva nepravilnosti i posvetljuje kožu
  • Hidrirajuća formula koja vraća sjaj licu
  • Oživljava umornu kožu zahvaljući čistim sastojcima kamelije
  • Matirajuća i dugotrajna formula
Količina: 15g
Broj nijansi: 3 (01 Ivory Pure, 02 Ivory Warm, 03 Natural Beige)
Rok trajanja: 12 meseci nakon otvaranja
Testirano na životinjama: Nepoznato
Keep In Touch White Blending Base cushion review with swatches in shade 03 Natural Beige
🌎 ENG: Keep In Touch White Blending Base cushion is combination of Whitening Moisture Base that brightens the complexion and Color Cover Base that corrects uneven skin tone. By mixing the two bases we get a foundation that provides the ultimate hydration and coverage for a more even, beautiful skin.

Whitening Moiture Base: Infused with White5-Vitamin Complex and Camellia Japonica Seed Oil to brighten skin, hydrate, and prevent irritation.
Color Cover Base: Conceals blemishes and enlarged pores, corrects uneven skintone and texture, and delivers powerful SPF 50 protection against harmful UV rays.


  • Whitening tone up effect with 5 white flower complex
  • Hides troubles and brightens skin tone
  • Skin-filling moisture glow with hybrid sharing technology
  • Vitalizes tired skin with pure camellia ingredients
  • Non-glowing skin texture all day with make-up holding system
Amount: 15g
Number of shades: 3 (01 Ivory Pure, 02 Ivory Warm, 03 Natural Beige)
Expiration date: 12 months after opening
Tested on animals: Unknown 

Sastojci / Ingredients

Lista sastojaka Keep In Touch cushion pudera je prilično dugačka, ali generalno skroz dobra! Nažalost, svi biljnih ekstrakti i aktivni sastojci koji doprinose nezi kože su na dnu liste što znači da se ne nalaze u velikim koncentracijama. Sastojci vredni pomena su nikotinamid (Niacinamide), ši puter, ekstrakt matičnog mleča, ulje avokada, aloje vera, ekstrakt propolisa, morska voda, hijaluronska kiselina, vitamin E, ekstrakt Čileanske jagode, ekstrakt maline, ekstrakt borovnice, ekstrakt Sibirske crne mahunice, ekstrakt crne ribizle, ekstrakt ploda Asai palme, ekstrakt divlje borovnice, stabilizovan vitamin C, vitamin B6, i još nekoliko egzotičnih biljnih ekstrakata 😄

🌎 ENG: The list of ingredients of the Keep In Touch cushion foundation is pretty long, but generally quite good! Unfortunately, all the plant extracts and actives that contribute to skin care are at the bottom of the list which means they're present in small amounts. Ingredients worth mentioning are Niacinamide, Shea butter, Royal Jelly extract, Avocado oil, Aloe vera, Propolis extract, sea water, Hyaluronic Acid, vitamin E, Chilean strawberry extract, Raspberry fruit extract, Bilberry fruit extract, Blackberry fruit extract, Blackcurrant fruit extract, Acai fruit extract, Blueberry extract, stabilized vitamin C, vitamin B6, and some more exotic plant extracts 😄
Keep In Touch White Blending Base cushion review with swatches and ingredients
Od problematičnih tu je Ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate - nastaje mešanjem sumporne kiseline i metanola koji je naftni derivat. Apsorbuje se kroz kožu u krv, urin, i majčino mleko, a usput pomaže u apsorbovanju drugih hemikalija koje koža ne može sama da upije. Utiče na hormone i još svašta nešto. Pročitajte ovde detaljnije.
SD ALCOHOL 40B je izlistan kao veliki iritans na CosDNA, međutim, štetan je ako se POPIJE ili na neki drugi način unese u organizam (koristi se i u prehrambenoj industriji), ali na koži nije toliko.

Listu svih sastojaka možete pogledati na CosDNA.

🌎 ENG: One of the problematic ingredients is Ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate - formed by mixing sulfuric acid with methanol, a petroleum by-product. It's absorbed through the skin into the blood, urine, and breast milk, and also helps absorption of other harmful ingredients that wouldn't be absorbed on their own. It messes with hormones and more. Read more about it here.
SD ALCOHOL 40B is listed as a harmful irritant on CosDNA, however, it's harmful ONLY when ingested or if it enters the body in another way (it's also used in the food industry), but on the skin not so much.

The full ingredient list can be found on CosDNA.

Recenzija / Review

Keep In Touch White Blending Base cushion dolazi u kartonskoj kutiji mladalačkog i romantičnog dizajna. U kutiji se nalazi i mali liflet koji ukratko opisuje puder i dostupne nijanse, ugrubo objašnjava kako se koristi i pruža informaciju o sastojcima.

🌎 ENG: Keep In Touch White Blending Base Cushion comes in a cardboard box with a youthful and romantic design. It also comes with a small leaflet describing the foundation and its available shades, short directions and ingredient list.
Keep In Touch White Blending Base cushion review with swatches, packaging
Sam puder se nalazi u okrugloj plastičnoj kutijici koja se pritiskom na dugme sa strane otvara. Unutra se nalazi ogledalo i pufna, a između pufne i jastučića sa puderom se nalazi plastična pregrada koja sprečava oksidaciju i kontaminaciju pudera.

🌎 ENG: The cushion is placed inside a plastic compact which opens by pressing a small button on the side. The compact contains a mirror and a puff. Also, there is an inner cap between the puff and cushion that prevents oxidation and contamination.
Keep In Touch White Blending Base cushion review with swatches in shade 03 Natural Beige
Puder se nanosi tako što se pufnom blago pritisne na jastučić koji u tom trenutku propušta puder. Vrlo je bitno biti umeren sa količinom jer lako se pretera a tada vrlo neprirodno i teško izgleda na koži. Sama pufna je vrlo mekana i glatka, a blendati s njom je vrlo lako i precizno. Na poleđini pufne se nalazi traka ispod koje se provuku tri prsta radi držanja, međutim, skeptična sam o njenoj izdržljivosti jer sam već imala slične pufne i traka se uvek odšila. Iako je pufna anti-mikrobna (sprečava širenje mikroorganizama), pokušala sam je oprati nakon druge upotrebe jer, iskreno, zgrožava me pomisao da je koristim mesecima bez pranja. Puder se previše upije u pufnu i nemoguće ga je skroz isprati.

🌎 ENG: Cushion foundations are applied by gently pressing the puff onto the cushion which then releases the foundation. It's very important to use a small amount or else it can look very heavy and unnatural. The puff is very soft and smooth, and it's very easy to blend with. There's a band on the back side of the puff where you put three fingers for holding, however, I'm sceptical about its durability because I had similar puffs on which the band had ripped. Even though the puff is anti-microbial, I tried washing it after two uses because honestly, it scares me to use it for months without washing. The foundation had sunk too deep into the puff and it was impossible to completely wash out.
Keep In Touch White Blending Base cushion review with swatches in shade 03 Natural Beige
Pokrivenost je iznenađujuće dobra. Crvenilo i podočnje sasvim solidno pokrije pa ni nemam potrebu da koristim korektor s njim. Ako vam ipak zatreba dodatna pokrivenost, svakako koristite korektor jer lagerovanjem pudera možete da dobijete samo "tortast" (cakey) efekat koji ni malo nije lep. Trajnost mu je takođe jako dobra, u toku dana se ne skida sa lica, međutim, ako pređete papirnom maramicom preko ili još gore, zakačite majicom o lice, ostaće tragovi, pošto ostavlja blago masan film koji se lako skida.

🌎 ENG: Keep In Touch White Blending Base cushion has a surprisingly good coverage. It covers redness and the undereye area pretty well,  I don't feel the need to use a concealer. If you still need additional coverage, definitely use a concealer because you'll look cakey by layering too much. The durability is also very good. It doesn't fade during the day, however, if you go over your skin with a tissue or even worse, it comes in contact with clothes, it'll leave stains since it stays a little greasy on the skin and transfers easily.
Keep In Touch White Blending Base cushion review with swatches in shade 03 Natural Beige
Zanimljivo mi je kako navode da puder daje sjaj licu a da je opet mat...? Mat nikako nije, više daje prirodan dewy efekat koji zaista lepo izgleda. Pošto mi se koža masti, obavezno sve matiram nekim puderom u prahu (npr. Rimmel Stay Matte ili Bourjois Healthy Balance). Lice mi izgleda lepo s njim, osveženo, čak i posle nekoliko sati. Ne izgleda veštačko i ne raspada se u toku dana, i dalje je sve lepo pokriveno samo sam, nažalost, masnija na dodir i izgled.

🌎 ENG: It interesting how they state that it gives a glow to the skin and that it's also matte...? It's definitely not matte, it gives a natural dewy finish which really looks nice. Because my skin gets oily, I must use a setting powder (e.g. Rimmel Stay Matte or Bourjois Healthy Balance). My skin looks nice and refreshed with the Keep In Touch cushion, even later during the day - it doesn't look artificial, it doesn't break down, all is still covered but unfortunately, my skin looks and feels oilier.
Keep In Touch White Blending Base cushion review with swatches in shade 03 Natural Beige
Keep In Touch White Blending Base cushion review with swatches in shade 03 Natural Beige
Nijansa koju imam je 03 Natural Beige koja je najtamnija u ponudi, međutim, svrstala bih je u svetle. Nijanse su mnogo svetlije na koži nego što su prikazane na jastučiću. Kad se ukombinuju, dobije se boja koja je mom blago preplanulom tenu i dalje presvetla, a inače imam dosta svetlu kožu pa ga nikako ne bih preporučila nekome sa tamnijim tenom. Dobra strana ovog pudera je što se nijanse mogu kombinovati po želji - koristeći više svetliju bazu dobija se svetlija boja pudera, koristeći više tamniju puder se potamnjuje, baze se mogu koristiti i posebno za konturisanje... mogućnosti su višestruke.

🌎 ENG: My Keep In Touch cushion shade is 03 Natural Beige which is the darkest available, but in reality, it's a pale shade. It's a little too light even for my barely tanned skin that is usually considered pale so I wouldn't recommend it for medium skin. The shades, when swatched on the skin, are a lot lighter than represented in the cushion. But, the good side is that you can combine the two shades as you like - use more of the light base to get a lighter shade, more of the dark for a darker shade, use separately for contouring... the possibilities are plenty.
Keep In Touch White Blending Base cushion review with swatches in shade 03 Natural Beige
Keep In Touch cushion puder nije razočarao. Sviđa mi se što se baze mogu kombinovati, što je brzo raditi s njim i što ne smeta mojoj osetljivoj i problematičnog koži. Ko voli korejsku kozmetiku i ko je dovoljno bled, uživaće u ovom puderu. Ja ću ga ipak ostaviti sa strane do zime :)

Cena: Celo pakovanje oko $19.5 / dopuna oko $10
Gde kupiti:
🛒 Jolse.com (besplatna dostava)

🌎 ENG: Keep In Touch White Bleding Base cushion didn't disappoint. I like that I can combine the two bases as I like, that it's fast to apply and it didn't irritate my sensitive and problematic skin. Everyone who enjoys Korean cosmetics and who's pale enough will enjoy this foundation. I will, however, put it aside until winter :)

Price: Full packaging around $19.5 / refill around $10
Where to buy:
🛒 Jolse.com (free shipping)
Dobro / GoodLoše / Bad
Čvrsto, praktično pakovanje
Firm, practical packaging
Mali izbor nijansi i sve su za svetlu put 
Small selection of shades and all are for light skin
Sadrži SPF50 
Contains SPF50
Ostaje blago masan na licu
Feels a little greasy on the skin
Dobra pokrivna moć
Good coverage
Pufnu je jako teško oprati
The puff is difficult to clean
Daje prirodno sjajan (dewy) izgled 
Gives a natural dewy finish
Lako se pretera zbog čega koža izgleda "cakey" 
It's easy to overdo which gives a cakey look
Ne ističe dodatno suvu kožu
Doesn't additionally highlight dry skin
Sadrži Ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate koji je vrlo problematičan SPF sastojak
Contains Ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate which is a very problematic SPF ingredient
Kombinovanjem baza se može uticati na nijansu pudera
You can change the foundation shade by combining the two bases

Da li ste već probali cushion pudere? Kako su vam se svideli?
Did you try cushion foundations? Did you like them?

Do sledeće recenzije,


Write comments
Ana T
31. август 2017. 19:42 delete

Nisam probala cushion pudere, mada jesam zainteresovana za neki sa dobrim sastavom :) Ovaj na tebi izgleda savršeno!

8. септембар 2017. 19:22 delete

I mene su odjednom zainteresovali ali zbog nesigurnog izbora nijansi možda bolje ne :D mada čini mi se da sam videla negde uzorke... Korejanci imaju odlične cushion pudere za svaku problematiku ali za njih treba izdvojiti 30+ dolara. Dobar je meni i Lily Lolo :D i dalje mi je najbolji. A ovaj bolje izgleda uživo, pogotovo kada se setuje puderom u kamenu. Biće dobar na zimu kada pobledim i kada mi koža ožedni, leti je nažalost pretežak.
