INNISFREE Skinny Microcara maskara | Review

октобар 21, 2017 1 Comments

Innisfree Skinny Microcara mascara review with swatches and before and after photos
Dozvolite da vas upoznam sa najmanjom maskarom ikad! 😊 Već sam je ukratko predstavila u svojoj poslednjoj iHerb kupovini a sada ćete saznati šta stvarno mislim o Innisfree Skinny Microcara maskari posle više meseci korišćenja.

🌎 ENG: Let me introduce you to the smallest mascara ever! 😊 I introduced you to it in my latest iHerb haul and now you'll find out what I really think of Innisfree Skinny Microcara mascara after months of testing.

O Innisfree kozmetici / About Innisfree cosmetics

Innisfree je korejski brend prirodne kozmetike lansiran 2000. godine. Jedni su od malog broja korejskih brendova koji koriste organske sastojke sa ECOCERT sertifikatom. Svoju kozmetiku prave od sastojaka sa ostrva Jeju kojeg odlikuje čist vazduh i voda, bogato zemljište, i raznovrsno bilje. Neki od ključnih sastojaka koje koriste su zeleni čaj, orhideje, i vulkanski pepeo. Vrlo su posvećeni prirodi i njenom očuvanju pa su čak i pakovanja napravljena od recikliranog materijala što me je posebno oduševilo! U svom asortimanu imaju kozmetiku za žene i muškarce, od šminke do nege kože i kose. Nalaze se među najpopularnijim brendovima korejske kozmetike u Aziji i šire.

Više o Innisfree brendu možete pročitati na njihovom sajtu, kao i na sajtu njihove matične firme Amore Pacific.

🌎 ENG:  Innisfree is a Korean brand of natural cosmetics launched in 2000. They are one of few Korean brands that use organic ingredients with an ECOCERT certificate. Their cosmetics are formulated with the purest, natural ingredients of Jeju island, such as green tea, orchid and volcanic ash. Innisfree is so devoted to nature and its preservation that even their packaging is made from recycled material which blew me away! They have a range of products for both women and men, from makeup to skincare and haircare. Innisfree is one of the most popular Korean cosmetics brand in Asia and beyond.
You can find out more about Innisfree on their website, or on the site of their parent company Amore Pacific.

O Innisfree Skinny Microcara maskari / About the mascara

Innisfree Skinny Microcara mascara review with swatches and before and after photos
Šta Innisfree kaže o svojoj maskari:
Maskara koja uvija skrivene trepavice i daje očima prirodan, lep izgled.
Ključne karakteristike:
  • Dopire i do najmanjih trepavica zahvaljujući svom izrazito malom prečniku od 2.5 mm.
  • Potpuno uvija svaku skrivenu vlas i drži oblik u toku čitavog dana.
  • Pogodna je za gornje i donje trepavice dajući im izrazito prirodan i lep izgled.
  • Lagana formula maskare produžuje trepavice bez veštačkog izgleda.
Broj nijansi: 2 (Black / Brown)
Količina: 3.5g
Rok trajanja: 12 meseci nakon otvaranja
Testirano na životinjama: Delimično. Imaju dve baze, jedna je u Koreji a druga u Kini. Kina zahteva da se svi proizvodi testiraju na životinjama pa se tako i Innisfree kozmetika proizvedena u Kini testira.

🌎 ENG: What Innisfree says about their mascara:
 A mascara that curls hidden eyelashes and gives the eyes a natural, beautiful look.
Key characteristics:
• 2.5mm-diameter micro brush coats even the shortest lashes.
• The micro brush completely curls every hidden lash and maintains your lash look all day.
• Coats both the upper and lower lashes giving them a natural and beautiful look.
• Lightweight formula creates a natural long lash look as if you didn't apply eye makeup.
Number of shades: 2 (Black / Brown) 
Amount: 3.5g
Expiration date: 12 months after opening
Cruelty-free: Partially. Innisfree is based in two locations - one is in Korea and the other in China. China requires all products to be tested on animals which means that Innisfree products manufactured in China are tested.

Sastojci / Ingredients

Među sastojcima Innisfree Skinny Microcara maskare se mogu naći pčelinji vosak, karnauba vosak, celuloza, ulje semena Limnanthes alba (vrsta cveta), ekstrakt crne soje, zeleni čaj, glicerin, i drugi. Za jednu maskaru to su dosta impresivni sastojci!
Što se štetnih sastojaka tiče, nema ih nešto sem eventualno pigmenta Carbon Black koji je više štetan za radnike koji su u čestom kontaktu s njim i izloženi većim dozama.

Ako vas zanima puna lista sastojaka, pogledajte je na

🌎 ENG: One of the more interesting ingredients in the Innisfree Skinny Microcara mascara are beeswax, Carnauba wax, cellulose, Limnanthes Alba Seed Oil, Black Soybean Extract, Green Tea, Glycerin, and others. Those are very impressive ingredients for a mascara!
As for harmful ingredients, there are almost none except possibly the pigment Carbon Black which is more harmful to workers who are frequently exposed to it.

You can have a look at all of the ingredients on

Moji utisci / My review

Innisfree Skinny Microcara maskara dolazi u glatkoj plastičnoj tubi, jednostavnog dizajna. Na mestu otvaranja je zalepljena nalepnica koja garantuje da maskaru niko nije otvarao što je veliki, veliki plus. Na samoj tubi se ne nalazi puno informacija o proizvodu a ono što piše je na korejskom.

🌎 ENG: Innisfree Skinny Microcara comes in a smooth plastic tube with a simple design. It's sealed with a protective sticker so you'll know that you're the first to open it. That is a big, big plus. There is not much info on the tube and most is written in Korean.
Innisfree Skinny Microcara mascara review with swatches and before and after photos
Četka je najmanja koju sam ikada videla! Široka je samo 2.5 mm a češljići tako sitni... Bila sam skeptična, reko ovo je premalo da bi bilo šta uradilo... mada opet, sve te pozivitne ocene sigurno nisu bez razloga! Iako je tako mala, češljići uspevaju svaku vlas da rasčešljaju, od korena do vrha, bez umazivanja maskare po kapcima. Do sada sa većim maskarama to nisam uspevala jer bih se uvek umazala a sa ovom tih briga nemam.

🌎 ENG: The brush is the smallest I have ever seen! It's only 2.5 mm / 0.1 in wide and the bristles are so tiny... I was sceptical, wondering how can something so small do anything... but then again, all those positive reviews must mean something! Even its small size, the bristles are great for separating every lash, from roots to the top without it getting on the eyelids. Bigger mascaras always gave me that problem but with Innisfree Skinny Microcara all is fine.
Innisfree Skinny Microcara mascara review with swatches and before and after photos
Tekstura Innisfree Skinny Microcara maskare je srednja - ni retka ni gusta, baš onako kako preferiram. Pošto je četka mala, ne pokupi puno proizvoda pa je neophodno više puta nanositi dok se ne postigne željeni efekat. To me je posle nekog vremena počelo jako nervirati jer umesto da završim za 30 sekundi, ja ih još bar duplo duže nameštam. Vrlo često posle prvog nanošenja trepavice izgledaju isto xD tek nakon drugog i trećeg prelaza se primeti razlika. Onda nastupa problem da se maskara između nanošenja skoro potpuno osuši (jer je jedva ima) pa se maltene svakim narednim nanošenjem narušava izgled trepavica. Treba s njom brzo raditi i bude okej. Ponekad se dešava (iz još nepoznatih razloga) da četkica pokupi više maskare i onda uspem jednim nanošenjem da završim.

🌎 ENG: Innisfree Skinny Microcara mascara has a not too dry and not too wet texture, a perfect middle. Since the bristles are so small, they don't pick up a lot of product so it's necessary to reapply several times to get the desired effect. It started to bother me very quickly - instead of taking 30 seconds, it takes me more than twice as much to finish. My lashes often don't look any different after one application xD only after the second or third coat my lashes start looking "done". Another issue I have is that the mascara dries between coats (because it applies very little) so every coat starts ruining the look. You have to work quickly and it will be fine. Sometimes (for still unknown reasons) the brush picks up more mascara than usual and only then I manage to be satisfied with one coat.
Innisfree Skinny Microcara mascara review with swatches and before and after photos
Moje trepavice su tanke, srednje dužine i retke pa mi je bitno da ih maskara učini dužim i gušćim. Ova maskara zbog malene četke uspeva da ih rasčešlja pa deluje kao da ih ima više. Izgledaju prirodno, kao da nemaju ništa naneto... kada hoće da sarađuje 😄 Slepljivanje je minimalno a grudvica nema.

🌎 ENG: My eyelashes are thin, not very long and a little sparse so I need a mascara that makes them longer and thicker. Innisfree Skinny Microcara mascara manages to comb through them (thanks to the small brush) so they appear like there is more of them. My lashes look natural, like I have nothing on... when it wants to cooperate 😄 Lashes don't really stick together and there are no lumps. Here are the swatches:
Innisfree Skinny Microcara mascara review with swatches and before and after photos
Za donje trepavice je odlična i verujem da bi svakome odgovarala. Ja ih maltene ni nemam pa ih ni ne volim naglašavati ali pogledajte kako ih lepo možete naglasiti, bez slepljivanja i veštačkog izgleda (gornje trepavice su bez maskare):

🌎 ENG: Innisfree Skinny Microcara is ideal for lower lashes and I think it would suit everybody. My lower lashes are basically non-existent so I don't like to emphasize them, but take a look at the swatches, you can easily accentuate them without them sticking together or looking unnatural (upper lashes are without mascara):
Innisfree Skinny Microcara mascara review with swatches and before and after photos
Innisfree Skinny Microcara nije vodootporna i zna prilikom znojenja (leti) da se preslika u donjem spoljašnjom uglu oka. Vrlo se lako skida bilo kojim skidačem šminke.

🌎 ENG: Innisfree Skinny Microcara mascara isn't waterproof and it transfers on the outer lower lid during hot and humid weather. It's easily removed with any makeup remover.

Zaključak / Conclusion

Kao što ste možda i primetili, imam love-hate odnos prema ovoj maskari. Sviđa mi se što lepo rasčešljava i daje prirodan izgled, ali često mi zafali malo više "drame" i volumena, pogotovo ako koristim tamnije senke na očima ili ajlajner. A o potrebnom broju nanošenja da ne pričam... Oduzima mi previše vremena i strpljenja. Ali, na kraju krajeva, mislim da joj je to i poenta, taj prirodan, nenašminkan izgled jer ako bi bila išta intenzivnija, bila bi kao sve ostale maskare. Po mom mišljenju može biti odlična curama koje već imaju velike, guste i definisane trepavice a ne žele da izgledaju teško i veštačko, ili bilo kome ko voli diskretnu i prirodnu šminku.

Ocena: 3.5 ★★★☆☆
Gde kupiti i cena:
🛒 za $9.90 (popust od 5% uz kupon  LEK2291  na čitavu kupovinu)
🛒 za $9.44 (besplatna dostava ili +$2.80 za dostavu sa praćenjem pošiljke)
🛒 od oko $6 (uglavnom besplatna dostava)

Kako vam se čini ova maskara?
Da li više volite dramatične trepavice ili diskretnije?

🌎 ENG: As you may have noticed in my review, I have a love-hate relationship with this mascara. I like that it separates and looks natural but often I need a little more drama and volume especially when using darker eyeshadow or eyeliner. Don't get me started on the necessary reapplying... It takes too much time and patience. But then again, I think that's the whole point, that natural, no-makeup look because if it were any more intense, it would be like any other mascara. In my opinion, Innisfree Skinny Microcara mascara can be ideal for those who have long, thick and defined eyelashes and don't want to look heavy and unnatural, or for anyone who likes discreet and natural looking makeup.

Rating: 3.5 ★★★☆☆
Where to buy and price:
🛒 for $9.90 (5% off with coupon code  LEK2291 )
🛒 for $9.44 (free delivery or +$2.80 for tracking)
🛒 from around $6 (mostly free shipping)

What do you think of this mascara?
Do you prefer dramatic lashes or more natural?

Do sledeće recenzije,


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Ana T
21. октобар 2017. 13:21 delete

Četkica deluje savršeno! Ja bih je verovatno probala sa nekom drugom maskarom (tečnošću) baš da vidim ima li razlike. Ali u principu, takve četkice i meni odgovaraju, znaš već :)

Ja volim prirodniji izgled trepavica, ali prirodni izgled gustih trepavica :D Ne sviđa mi se ovaj neki fejk trend i to što se šminka više bez veštačkih trepavica ne smatra kompletnom. Ali mogu da razumem da ženama nikad dosta gustine i dužine trepavica :) I ja sam mogla da se rodim sa gušćim, uopšte ne bi bilo loše! :D
